Baieido carefully selects its all-natural raw incense material from the finest parts of fragrant woods and spices. Such exemplary incense ingredients as Kyara and Sandalwood are brought from Vietnam, India, and China. From Asia to Africa, Baieido travel from nation to nation across the world to import the finest ingredients. Traveling to remote regions in these distant countries, Baieido imports the finest hand-picked natural incense ingredients base on properties such as appearances and extraordinary natural aromas.
Aloeswood: From Vietnam and Indonesia, also called Agarwood. The finest quality is known as Kyara. Weight-for-weight, high quality pure aloeswood is more expensive than gold! It could calm the nervous system, relieve nervous disorders such as neurosis, obsessive behaviour, etc. It could also improve sleep and promote meditation.
Sandalwood: Superior quality sandalwood from the southwest coast of India known as Sandalwood City. It could calm the nervous system, reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It could also improve sleep and promote meditation.
Cinnamon: Finest quality cinnamon from Southern China and Indonesia. It could stimulate the nervous system, reduce fatigue, weaknesses, and depression.
Star Anise: From Northern Indonesia and Southern China. Also known as eight-angled anise. It can stimulate the nervous system.
Tabu: From Japan, China, Taiwan, and other regions. The bark of this evergreen tree of the Camphor family is ground into a fine powder, which is used as a binder in incense sticks.
Sea Shells: From the coasts of Mediterranean. They are used to mix with various spices to prolong the fragrance.
Benzoin: Used together with tabu powder as the base power of incense sticks. It could calm the nerves, reduce stress, pressure, and anxiety, and calm the feeling of sadness, loneliness, and depression.
Patchouli: Promotes feeling of balance, and improves alertness.
Camphor: Calms the nerves and ease the feeling of depression.
Clove: Improves memory, reduce depression, sleepiness, and lethargy.
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